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The Goldendoodle is a crossbreed between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle, typically bred for its friendly temperament, intelligence, and low-shedding coat. This hybrid dog has become popular for families and individuals seeking a companion that is both sociable and hypoallergenic. Goldendoodles come in various sizes, depending on the size of the Poodle parent (Standard, Miniature, or Toy). Goldendoodles are affectionate, energetic, and good with children and other pets. Their coat can range from wavy to curly, requiring regular grooming. Goldendoodles are known for being loyal and trainable. Texan Doodles take great pride is offering superior Doodles. Every Breed and Breeding Dog here has under gone our health testing standards and requirements. We truly believe in bettering the breed and offering superior family pets to our customers.

Goldendoodles Dogs for Sale

If you would like to be notified, please contact us and we will notify you when our Goldendoodles become available.

About Our Goldendoodles Breeding

The Goldendoodle is a crossbreed between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle, typically bred for its friendly temperament, intelligence, and low-shedding coat.